

Starry Night: An Evening of Music

    Appenzeller House organized and executed our first classical concert, consisting of performances that ranged from instrumental to choir singing. Students from various houses and clubs performed in this event to make it the most memorable evening of music. The event was held in the grand hall in Veritas A, with room capacity that could accommodate up to 200 people. It contained the grand piano and a spacious stage that provided enough space for a large orchestra. 

[Photo 1] Orchestra performance by UVE

    The event was organized to give the students an hour of complete relaxation from the stress of projects and assignments. Students who came as spectators enjoyed a plethora of different classical music, including a choir performance from Allen House, three different piano performances, violin and flute duets, and two large orchestra bands – Songphonia (from group Euphonia) and UVE. Everyone admired the exceptional talents of these students who were playing the various musical instruments solely out of passion. Performances reached a level of sophistication as performers played complex music pieces like ‘The Farandole’ by Bizet and ‘Nuvole Bianche’ by Ludovico Einaudi.

[Photo 2] Piano performance by an Appenzeller student, Angelina

    Prior to the start of the event, performers gathered at the venue for rehearsals. The exact positions of the chairs and stands for the orchestra had to be planned beforehand, and it proved to be a strenuous and challenging task. However, all preparations were completed before the start of the event, and by 8 o’clock students from Appenzeller and other houses began to file into the hall.

[Photo 3] Violin duo and piano performance by Song-phonia

    The event lasted only an hour, but it was an hour filled with soothing music and sheer talent. All students who attended the event – regardless of their house – were given an RC point for attending the event, while the participants who were freshmen were given more points for their extra contribution in making this event a successful and memorable one. Moreover, to appreciate their talents and efforts in volunteering to participate in this event, all performers were given a gift as a small token of thanks.

    Overall, the starry night was truly a pleasant event of music, where we could admire the musical talents of fellow peers in Yonsei University.

By 글쓴이View 633

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