

'Speed Dating' with Zellers on Zoom

        The traditional form of socialization is based on the premise that partakers meet face to face in a certain location. Indeed, social interaction has evolved to embrace various online means over the decades. Even so, the COVID19 outbreak and the resultant social distancing has made online socialization mandatory for Yonsei freshmen. Zellers could speak to one another on the Appenzeller KakaoTalk chatroom but interacting through text messages had its limits as a means of communication.

        To provide an opportunity for Zellers to ‘meet’ face to face for the first time, Appenzeller International House decided to host speed-dating sessions online. This customary ice-breaking activity, in which paired participants converse for a short time before switching partners, was recreated on Zoom throughout March. Appenzeller House took full advantage of its Breakout Room feature by assigning Zellers into Breakout Rooms in randomly generated groups of two or three. Once students found themselves in a separate session with their pair, they were given three minutes to get to know each other before being pulled back into the main session. A tight time limit prevented loose conversations and dreadful silences, as one can barely introduce oneself and answer a few questions in three minutes. This process was repeated until the designated hour was up. Professor Denton acted as a moderator during the session, providing suggestions for ice-breaking questions at the start of each breakout room. Residential Assistants joined in as well and had the chance to ‘meet’ their RCs face to face for the first time.

[Photo 1] A poster image of Speed Dating program

        Since its first session on March 17th , Appenzeller Speed Dating has been a recurring program throughout the month . These sessions acted as a virtual platform for Zellers to become acquainted with fellow Zellers and even Residential Assistants . At least thirty Zellers showed up for each session and many otherses showed pity that they could not make it due to personal schedules . It would be no exaggeration to say that Appenzeller Speed Dating was an experience incomparable with mere KakaoTalk chats.


By 영어영문학 18 유진View 300

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