

Allen Counseling Center

    During COVID-19, the increase in the amount of time that people spend alone and people’s pandemic-induced anxiety changed into depression, referred to as “Corona Blue”. University students are having concerns as they take non-face-to-face classes and cannot enjoy their “normal university life”. Mental well-being became important and to help students share their concerns and take advice from counselors from Yonsei University Psychological Counseling Center, Allen RA Lee Hwa-jeong conducted a program called <Allen Counseling Center>.

[Image 1: poster of Allen Counseling Center]     

    The recruitment was done through a google form that asked students about their current concerns and what they hope to talk about in this program. The program was continuously advertised in Allen House official Kakao chat room and Instagram. There were two sessions and, in each session, the number of students was limited to 12 to conduct the program more efficiently. The program was held using Zoom and at the beginning of the program, 12 students and 2 counselors had group counseling in the main room. During the program, worksheets that could help the student evaluate their current mental state were used. There was a question about what students’ current concerns are and how those concerns were affecting them. Then, students were divided into two groups and had small group counseling sessions. Students were able to share their concerns with others and get advice not only from counselors but also from other students. RA participated in both groups alternatively to listen to students’ concerns and especially provided personal advice especially to students who were worried if they were doing well as a college student in a non-face-to-face situation.

[Image 2: worksheet used during the program]    

    Through the program, students were able to share their worries with someone whom they could get advice and learn that they are not the only people who have concerns. After the program, one student shared that, “it was a program that provided an opportunity to reflect and think deeply about oneself.” Allen RAs are constantly looking for ways to help RCs amid pandemic situations both in their school and academic life.


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