

Climb Up, Allen!

  On the 19th of November, RA Hajin Bae, RA Hayeong Jeong, and 16 RC students visited Songdo B.Bloc Climbing Gym, located in NC Cube Canalwalk, for an indoor climbing lesson. The program started at 8pm and went on for two hours. The Allenians had excited looks on their faces when they all gathered at the venue. First, they were given out climbing shoes, which are specialized footwear with a close fit and a sticky rubber sole. They were advised to put on climbing shoes that were 5mm bigger than their usual shoe size. When everyone was ready, they sat on the floor in front of the climbing wall and waited for the next instruction.

  Before the students could get themselves on the wall, they had to receive safety education and learn the basic rules of rock climbing. The rocks on the wall were called “holds” and their color indicated the level of difficulty. Two instructors worked as a team, one instructor giving verbal explanations while the other gave demonstrations on the wall. For safety, the RAs and RCs also learned how to fall and practiced the back fall technique together. After that, they divided into two groups and the first half followed one instructor upstairs for “endurance training” while the second half stayed with the other instructor to try out “bouldering”. After an hour of training with the instructors, the participants could freely enjoy climbing on any wall in the gym.  

[Photo 1] RC Student Bouldering

  Some students got exhausted after a few tryouts while some were just tireless and could not get themselves off the wall. However, most students had the common opinion that climbing was a lot more challenging that it seemed but stimulated a strong competitive spirit at the same time. RC Seunghyun Lee (Earth System Sciences 19) shared his feelings about the program, “I have a rather inactive lifestyle and I hardly have the opportunity to engage in energetic activities in daily life. By taking part in this program, I could get some real exercise. It was a really fun first experience for me.”

[Photo 2] Group Photo

By CTM 16 배하진View 610

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